Hello out there!
I'm not sure if I should begin my first blog posting with a question... but do I really have ENOUGH to say to actually have my own blog? I know a lot of people with blogs. I have friends who keep them and actually make money off of them. I was actually inspired to start this one when my relatives decided to keep track of their last six months in Malaysia. I thought to myself, "What a great way to keep track of those memories and share them with friends and relatives." It's like a travel diary, just less private. I guess you can still keep a written diary if it's really THAT private, right?
I think now is about as good a time as any to start this sort of thing. I'm at a very interesting and I believe positive juncture in my life. I'm in my early 40's and now have the chance to re-invent myself. A "Flip 2.0", if you will. I just finished up 13 years with a TV station in Atlanta, and after a couple of rough ratings books, I was kindly asked to leave. I call it a negotiated resignation, but I know I would have been shown the door within a couple weeks, just like the dozens or even hundreds of other co-workers I'd seen take the same walk over my time there.
I look at it this way, I've been working since I was 15 years old, so that's nearly 28 years. I will probably be working for another 25 years, so this is the perfect occasion to find something I'm passionate about and that fits my skill set, and prepare to work for the next 10, 15, 20, maybe even 25 years of my life. They say it truly isn't "work" if you love what you're doing, so maybe I'll be lucky enough to win THAT lottery. I'll get to more of that later. I don't want to talk your ear off... yet.
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