Saturday, January 10, 2015

2015 Recalibration - Day 75

Okay- so my previous method of counting stunk, since I couldn't always keep 'true' count of actual workdays. In a way, it didn't make sense anyway, so days will now be counted in real time. We're now officially on Day 75 since 'actual' construction began.

Extreme cold and wet weather slowed down progress over the past week or so. We were also waiting on a slew of inspections. We had to get follow-up inspections for small items related to the HVAC and our framing.

Meantime, the siding is slowly getting finished on the east side of the house. The crew also removed the old siding from our sunroom on the west side of the house to begin replacing that.

I also shot some videos to help walk folks through the interior of the house to help give some perspective to the space and help make sense of the pictures I've previously posted.

The videos are short- about 20-30 seconds in order to make it easier to transfer and download, so I apologize that they're not all connected. I'll post the first couple today and then the rest of them over the coming days. Enjoy!

This next video will give you a little better idea of the "flow" of the house, moving from the entry way and formal dining room, into the living room/kitchen/entertaining area at the back of the house.

And this last video for this installment will give you a better overall sense of the size and width of the kitchen and entertaining area, which explains why we decided to open things up on the back side of the house.

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