Friday, January 30, 2015

New Look - Day 94

We've had some pretty positive progress at the house on day 94. The drywall guys were back to work on the kitchen/entertaining area.
It was really cool to watch them putting in the ceiling. One guy was using a more traditional scaffolding setup while the other guy was using this awesome pair of stilts. Grace thought that was very cool.
They also updated some of the areas where we made a few last-minute changes.
That includes replacing our front windows with longer windows in order to fill all the way down to their original full length sills. There are two in the dining room and one in Grace's old room. 
Here's a look from the front of the house. It's a subtle difference, but it will help provide a little more light to those front rooms later in the day since the porch will now be providing shade there.
The crew also expanded the closet in Grace's old room. It shares a wall with the hall coat closet that was 'double deep.' So, they moved that wall forward to make it a regular size closet and now Grace's old closet has a lot more storage space and easier to access.
They also finished drywalling Grace's new room so that it goes all the way to the ceiling. They also finished her ceiling so the walls are essentially complete and her room STILL looks huge. I know she looks REALLY tall (she is tall for her age) but I'm actually almost on the floor taking that picture so you can see up into that space in the loft. It's got some really neat angles. There will be a very sturdy railing up there!
I also took a picture of our master bathroom. Below you can see Grace is standing near where the door to the shower will be and you can see the WC (toilet/water closet) in the background.
The crew will start to put all the mud on the walls to hide the seams and even out the edges and corners. After that they'll sand it down and that could take a while.
I'll be sure to take some pictures once that's complete.

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