Sunday, May 10, 2015

Odds and Ends - Day 190

Hello everyone! Well, we're 'technically' a little over schedule, since we were 'supposed' to be finished by six months, or 180 days. But here we are in early May, at Day 190 of Project 713 and we're still about a month from moving in... we hope. The picture below will give you a hint at one of the big projects ahead.
Yes, these are all of the boxes filled with ceiling fans, various lighting fixtures, sconces, chandeliers, etc. It may take a week for the electricians to put all of those things in. This next picture is going to have you scratching your head. 
No, that's not a special trap-door in the porch. While testing some of the plumbing, it was discovered that the crew had damaged a sewer line leaving the house while putting in the cement footings for the front porch. Glad it was discovered now rather than later. The following pictures are from the laundry room upstairs.           
We now have the soaking tub and the counter-tops installed in the laundry. Hooray! Now for some other rooms. Like the downstairs guest/powder room...
And the upstairs guest bathroom... We were finally able to get the vanity situation between this bathroom and Grace's room squared away. It makes a big difference, since the counter-top is supposed to match the floor.
And our brand new staircase handrail and our lovely, curved bottom steps!
The kitchen counter-tops were also finally sealed, so that's a relief and will allow for a lot of other progress to go on around the house, especially those that require a lot of sawdust being produced.
You can see how the sealer gives the counters such a wonderful shine and it really pulls out the vein pattern in the concrete.
Well, that will be it for this lot of photos. I have a few more that I'll put on the next post and will also include some of the 'goings on' away from the house as well.

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