Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Grass is Always Greener - Day 213

Another super busy day at Project 713. It's May 28th, the 213th day of the renovation. A lot of stuff got completed, both that you can see and stuff that would be easy to miss. The landscapers got started early, with the sod being delivered before dawn and a load of topsoil being dumped around 8 a.m.
I shot the first picture on my way to the office, so the picture below is the results of a full day's work. It got rained out by a major thunderstorm around 3 p.m. The crew ran out of sod, so they'll have to finish it later.
 They got about 90% finished, so they have to fill in two open spots and then there are a couple areas along the neighbor's property line that have to be repaired because it's become damaged during construction.
If you look closely at the pictures of the house you'll also notice that the gutters and downspouts were installed and they look great. They're a perfect match to the color of the window trim and soffit braces.
You can also see the finished work in the mulch beds and boxwood shrubs planted along the front porch
And finally, the kitchen appliances were delivered and they're just sitting in the breakfast nook area until the crew can install them either tomorrow or this weekend.
Things are really starting to come together!
More pictures as I get them.

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