Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Hello November - Day 5

November is off to a hot start, despite the freezing temperatures. By the end of Day 5, the crew finished its demolition of the second floor and began to work on fortifying the supports in the basement.

They also began putting in the footings for the new front porch. That requires a lot of digging with the mini-backhoe and we've already ripped up the irrigation lines. 

The workers also managed to find our main water line to the house and it was slightly damaged. That may be a good thing, because it was the original galvanized steel line and needs to be replaced.          I mean, it's only 80 years old, what can it hurt to upgrade? 

Another encouraging sign is that the carpenters started framing up the pantry and stairwell area, so the framing of the second floor and first floor ceiling can't be too far behind.

 It's all VERY exciting. It's truly amazing to see how quickly real pros can work.

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